331 - (3.3) Written and verbal WEEKLY evaluations


I found working with this group quite difficult initially, as they didn’t understand my idea- which is understandable as my ideas are usually quite complex- but I found this a little bit frustrating because I felt like I wasn’t communicating with them very well, but I was stuck in the position of being the person who was naturally leading the group as no other ideas had been put forward. After rehearsing the material multiple times I felt that the others had grasped the concept of my idea and that we were working better as a team.


I feel that I worked well with my peers in creating this phrase as I taught one of them how to do a fish roll, which she wasn't able to do before, as well as making sure that I went through each movement she found difficult to understand, to help to build her confidence. I also need to overcome my fear of being overpowering or taking too much of a lead in group tasks, and accept that I naturally fall into the role of leading due to the fact that I have a larger dance experience in comparison to my peers.


Because we were given a sheet for the task that provided clear detail and structure, I didn't feel a need to lead the group as no significant ideas needed to be put forward in order to complete the task. However, I feel that we worked well as a cohesive team as we kept good timing with each other as well as showing clear differentiation between levels as well as all of us focusing on  making sure that it was obvious to the audience as to which body part was being 'pulled'.


I feel that I worked well with others in this lesson, especially the three that I learnt the floor phrase with. As I was very confident with the timings and movement content of the phrase, I made sure to break things down slowly for them to ensure that we were in unison and that we were all confident in the timings and details.


I think that I worked particularly well with Charlotte in this lesson as we had to create a short duet for the beginning of the piece, as we communicated well we were able to create an effective phrase that used counter-balance to show the way time pushes and pulls us around. Initially we found this task quite difficult as we were confined only to our kinespheres and had to finish the phrase facing the audience in order to start the next motif, however when I suggested that we should remain linked throughout the phrase this made the task slightly simpler as we had already made contact when I stop her running, this effectively led into a counter-balance lean away from each other (supporting each other by the wrists) which we agreed had to then be followed by a turn as we both needed to face the front however this led me to having a twisted arm and the two of us needing to split to start the the next motif. To resolve this I suggested that we should both circle our left arms backwards while bending the right knee to drop our weight forward before rolling up to a neutral parallel position.


 I feel that I worked well with others in this lesson as I taught Jamie and Amy mine and Charlotte's duet and adapted it to suit their spacing, I think that I lead them effectively as I broke down each movement for them as well as clearly demonstrating with charlotte how each of the movements should look. |I also worked well as team with Dom when recapping our group travel phrase we created 28/09/17, as we both communicated well with each other, we were able to recap the phrase very quickly.

I think I worked well with others when retrograding original duet with charlotte, I took lead in this task as I am confident with this choreographic device and personally found it very easy to reverse this motif. However, Charlotte found doing the same motif backwards quite confusing, so I broke down each movement into the specific body parts and facings, to help her make sense of the motif in both directions.

I think that I worked well with my group when fulfilling task as I'm now more confident in taking leadership and putting forward ideas and adapting movement to suit others for example, Olivia struggled with the shoulder roll out of the supported chin stand, so I adapted it to suit her by getting Scott to lower her back down to allow her to roll out of it another way. Also, the addition of Scott to the class allowed me to do more challenging movements as I knew he’d support me

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